Stories of women
Ukrainian women play a crucial role in the defense of their country, with many serving directly on the front lines. Their courage and determination are inspiring, but they also face immense challenges. To bring you closer to the stories of the women who chose to voluntarily join the Bucha Women’s Battalion:
The Story of
Olga, known by the nickname “Malyj,” is a doctor from Bucha who decided to join the volunteer air defense unit. Her role involves operating a heavy machine gun to protect civilians from enemy drones. Despite her fragile build, she can effectively handle a 25-kilogram machine gun, proving that the strength of the spirit surpasses physical limitations.
The Story of
Yulia, with the nickname “Dzyha,” was a beautician in Kyiv before the war. After the conflict broke out, she evacuated to Poland, but three months later, she returned to help her country. She became the commander of one of the mobile air defense units in Bucha, where she coordinates operations aimed at neutralizing enemy drones. Under her leadership, the unit also assists with evacuating civilians, distributing food, and performing many other activities to support those affected by the war.
The Story of
Anna "Berezynets"
Anna and her husband Andrei were expecting triplets at the time of the Russian invasion. Despite the danger and uncertainty, they successfully brought three healthy girls into the world. Their story is a symbol of hope and life that continues even during war. Their experience serves as a reminder that war knows no gender boundaries and that women are just as capable and determined to defend their homeland.
V nasledujúcom videu si môžete ešte viac priblížiť príbehy ukrajinských žien, ktoré zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v obrane svojej krajiny. Prostredníctvom ich osobných výpovedí uvidíte odvahu a odhodlanie, s ktorými čelia náročným podmienkam na fronte aj v zázemí. Tieto ženy dokazujú, že vojna nie je len mužskou záležitosťou, ale spoločným bojom za slobodu a budúcnosť. Video približuje výcvik a pocity žien bojujúce za bezpečie neba nad svojou domovinou.
Bucha Witches and Valkyries
Symbol odvahy a ochrany
In the town of Bucha, which has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance, women’s air defense units known as the Bucha Witches and Valkyries were formed. These courageous women, part of the Bucha Territorial Defense Volunteer Formation (DFTG), play a key role in protecting civilians from airborne threats.
The units are made up of women from various professions—doctors, teachers, and even former beauticians. What unites them is their shared determination to protect their loved ones and their country. Their mission is to identify and neutralize enemy drones and missiles, which present a constant risk to civilians. On the battlefield, they use various weapons, including the legendary heavy machine gun “Maxim,” demonstrating their professionalism and commitment. The machine gun weighs 25 kilograms, and handling it is extremely challenging.
They have successfully targeted “Shahed” drones and ballistic missiles, contributing to the protection of civilians and maintaining security in the region.
More than Just Fighters
However, their work goes beyond defense. They strengthen the morale of local communities, showing that even in the midst of war, courage and solidarity can overcome any threat. These women inspire others to join the defense of the country, proving that courage knows no gender boundaries.
An Inspiration to the World
The Bucha “Witches” and “Valkyries” are living proof that every individual can contribute to the protection of their homeland. Their stories inspire us all and remind us that, even in the hardest of times, the strength to fight for freedom and the future can be found.
Support these brave women through our fundraising campaign. Every contribution matters and helps provide the necessary equipment so they can continue protecting their communities and their country.